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Denver To Be First City Piloting A Guaranteed Basic Income For Individuals Experiencing Homelessness

Denver Basic Income Project Launches in partnership with Mayor Hancock’s Office and Mayors for a Guaranteed Income to Help Support Denver Residents in Need

DENVER (April 29, 2021) — Denver Basic Income Project, in partnership with Mayor Hancock’s Office and Mayors for a Guaranteed Income, will be among the nation’s first efforts to determine the effectiveness of monthly unconditional payments to residents experiencing homelessness.

The Denver Basic Income Project is giving basic income to individuals experiencing homelessness with the goal of building a healthier society grounded in social justice and centered around improving human thriving. Denver is poised to become the first city in the United States to study the impact of providing this direct cash assistance to unhoused individuals.

“Homelessness, income inequality, a hollowed-out middle class, an alarming disparity in access to opportunity, and the challenges of mental health and poverty all stem from a lack of equity in our economic systems,” Mayor Michael B. Hancock said. “The Denver Basic Income Project is an opportunity to explore how the philanthropic community and the private sector can augment public support for those living in poverty, particularly our unhoused neighbors, and extend that hand up to stability.”

Direct cash transfers empower individuals with dignity and provide the choice to make spending decisions that best suit their needs. Contrary to popular belief, it’s proving out in other communities that individuals largely make good choices that result in increased well being, greater financial stability, and new opportunities for self-determination, choice, goal-setting and risk-taking.

“Our society can do better,” said Denver Basic Income Project Founder Mark Donovan. “Direct cash payments move toward eliminating wealth inequality and begin to build a healthier community here in Denver and hopefully we’ll create a model for other cities to follow.”

The Denver Basic Income Project recognizes that people are disadvantaged by multiple sources of oppression: race, class, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, and other identity markers. The multiple struggles and intersecting oppressions the unhoused face are simply unacceptable in a just society.

"The Denver Basic Income Project is a powerful example of what can happen when the private sector, government, and philanthropy come together to co-create solutions to complex challenges," says Javier Alberto Soto, President and CEO of The Denver Foundation. "Many people in our community need resources to overcome deep, systemic issues that lead them to homelessness in the first place. Basic incomes will create a lifeline for stability, economic opportunity, and wellness."

This privately funded community initiative was started with a seed donation by Donovan, a Denver resident who believes that taking action today can have an immediate impact on the lives of people who are suffering and in great need. The program is being modeled after the groundbreaking New Leaf project (NLP) in Vancouver and the Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration (SEED). The SEED program’s research results highlight the positive impact of direct cash payments. The cash transfers reduced income volatility and allowed recipients to find full time employment. Recipients of guaranteed income were healthier, showing less depression and anxiety and enhanced wellbeing. The Impact Report from the New Leaf Project study has shown that moving into housing provides stability, reduces the risk of trauma, improves health, and frees up shelter beds for others in need. Cash transfer recipients prioritized and increased spending on recurring staples like housing/rent, food, transportation, and utility bills. The also saw a 39 percent reduction in spending of goods such as alcohol, drugs or cigarettes.

The Denver Basic Income Project is raising an additional $5,500,000 to launch this initiative. They are asking for the support, both large and small, of anyone who agrees that this Denver community can do better to support those in need. Individuals will have an opportunity to make a difference today. The project is a part of Impact Charitable, a 501c3 who partners with public and private funders who want to mobilize their assists into communities in creative and impactful ways. All donations to the program are tax deductible. To donate, visit:


The Denver Basic Income Project is a partnership between local nonprofit service providers fighting homelessness, caring community members and organizations providing funding and support. The organization has partnered with the University of Denver’s Center for Housing and Homelessness Research (CHHR) which will be running a Randomized Control Trial (RCT) to capture the results and contribute to the policy debate advocating for Universal Basic Income as an effective mechanism to fight poverty, homelessness and many forms of inequality and injustice. The research will analyze the impact of direct cash on speed to housing, wellness, income volatility, time use and numerous other factors. It will also compare the impact of up-front lump sum transfers vs. monthly transfers. The impact of different approaches by the service providers will also be assessed. The project will begin with a soft launch in the early summer and then the full launch in the fall.

The Denver Basic Income Project Team

Founder: Mark Donovan

Director: Jessica Sherwood

Research Team: Daniel Brisson, Jennifer Wilson, Katie Calhoun

Fiscal Sponsor: Impact Charitable

Working Group Partners: Colorado Coalition for the Homeless, Colorado Village Collaborative, Denver Alliance for Street Health Response (DASHR), The Delores Project, Metro Denver Homeless Initiative, Mile High Ministries, Urban Peak, Denver Indigenous Family Resource Center (DIFRC), St Francis Center, Denver Homeless Out Loud (DHOL), and Donald Burnes, PhD, Founder, Burnes Institute for Poverty Research at the Colorado Center on Law & Policy.


Building off his first-of-its-kind guaranteed income pilot (SEED) and rooted in Dr. King’s legacy, Mayor Michael D. Tubbs (Stockton, CA) and the Economic Security Project founded Mayors for a Guaranteed Income (MGI) in June 2020. Since that time, 45 mayors have come together in this network to advocate for a guaranteed income — direct, recurring cash payments — that lifts all of our communities, building a resilient, just America. Follow MGI on Twitter and Facebook.

For interviews, photos or additional information, please contact: Lora Ledermann,, 303-523-3925

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Statement on the American Rescue Plan

March 10, 2021, Stockton, CA - As a coalition of more than 40 mayors from across the country, every day we see people who are working hard to make ends meet, but our economy doesn’t even meet them halfway. Our communities continue to need relief while we recover from the ongoing, devastating pandemic and as we rebuild toward a more equitable, financially-secure society. 

We commend our Congressional leaders, President Biden and Vice President Harris for putting forth the American Rescue Plan -- one of the largest expansions of direct cash policies in our country’s history -- to put our economy back on track. The legislation to expand the Child Tax Credit in this bill marks a major shift in benefits policy from a punitive stance embraced by Reagan and Clinton to one that actually aims to solve the root problems of poverty by providing families with children an unrestricted, monthly cash stipend. 

And, the one-time direct payments to individuals will also quickly send desperately-needed stimulus money to most Americans. One check, however, is not enough -- more than 40% of people who expect to receive a payment in the next round of relief say a $1,400 check would last them a month or less, and 70% say it will last less than three months. Our constituents, and all struggling Americans, need monthly cash infusions for real relief. We’ve seen repeatedly, most recently in the outcomes of the Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration (SEED), that the quickest and most direct way to help people and the economy is by putting money directly into people’s pockets. Congress has taken a huge step forward. Our next step must be committing to recurring checks for all those who need it most, which is why we’re encouraging Senators to sign on to a letter to the Administration urging the President to include recurring direct payments and automatic unemployment insurance extensions tied to economic conditions in his long-term economic plan.


CONTACT: Saadia McConville

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Newark, NJ Adopts Guaranteed Income Resolution

February 25, 2021, Newark, NJ - In a unanimous decision, the Newark City Council has voted in support of a resolution to establish a guaranteed income. The resolution further solidifies the city’s commitment to advancing cash-based policies under the leadership of Mayor Ras J. Baraka, a member of Mayors for a Guaranteed Income (MGI).

"Like too many cities across the country, we in Newark are feeling the intense pressure of economic fallout. Direct support in the form of cash payments allows members of our community to regain a semblance of control in the midst of a crisis that has stripped so much of it away,” said Mayor Baraka. “It's on us as local leaders to work together and provide this critical financial lifeline to residents of our cities, and beyond." 

The full text of the resolution, passed on February 3, can be found here

Founded in June of 2020 by former Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs, MGI is a coalition of 40 mayors committed to advancing a federal guaranteed income – direct, recurring cash payments to the poor and middle class.

MGI member cities are eligible for up to $500,000 in pilot funding, thanks to a recent $15M donation by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. A pilot in Newark is planned to launch in early 2021, with details currently being finalized. In addition to pilots, MGI also advocates for cash-based policies at the federal level. There are currently at least 10 Congressional bills to provide pandemic-related payments to struggling Americans, and support for $2,000 checks helped drive the Democratic Senate wins in Georgia.

MGI, together with the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice, has also established the Center for Guaranteed Income Research to consolidate the key learnings from the pilots taking place in MGI member cities to address knowledge gaps and allow the organization to layer data with anecdotal evidence.


CONTACT: Saadia McConville

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Gainesville, FL Adopts Guaranteed Income Resolution

February  24, 2021, Gainesville, FL - In a unanimous decision, the Gainesville City Commission has voted in support of a resolution to establish a guaranteed income program. This resolution shows support for people with a criminal record to receive a recurring monthly income for up to two years to help them get back on their feet, and solidifies Gainesville’s commitment to creating an income floor under the leadership of Mayor Lauren Poe, a member of Mayors for a Guaranteed Income (MGI).

“In the wake of the pandemic and its massive economic toll, guaranteed income stands out as a necessary tool to address the inequality pervading our communities'' said Mayor Poe. “This first of its kind program provides a cushion to those who can least afford to bear the burden of income instability.”

The full text of the resolution, passed on February 18th, can be found here

Founded in June of 2020 by former Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs, MGI is a coalition of 36 mayors committed to advancing a federal guaranteed income – direct, recurring cash payments to the poor and middle class. 

A pilot in Gainesville is planned to launch in 2021, with details currently being finalized. MGI member cities are eligible for up to $500,000 in pilot funding, thanks to a recent $15M donation by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. In addition to pilots, MGI also advocates for cash-based policies at the federal level. There are currently at least 10 Congressional bills to provide pandemic-related payments to struggling Americans, and support for $2,000 checks helped drive the Democratic Senate wins in Georgia.

MGI, together with the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice, has also established the Center for Guaranteed Income Research to consolidate the key learnings from the pilots taking place in MGI member cities to address knowledge gaps and allow the organization to layer data with anecdotal evidence.


CONTACT: Saadia McConville

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Ithaca, NY Adopts Guaranteed Income Resolution

January 22, 2021, Ithaca, NY - In a unanimous decision, the City of Ithaca Common Council has voted in support of a resolution to establish a guaranteed income. The resolution further solidifies the city’s commitment to advancing cash-based policies under the leadership of Mayor Svante Myrick, a member of Mayors for a Guaranteed Income (MGI).

“The past year has shown us how quickly financial security can evaporate in the face of an unpredictable world and an economy that is more unequal than ever” said Mayor Myrick. “Guaranteed income provides financial stability to those who need it most, ensuring that no one falls through the cracks.”

The full text of the resolution, passed on January 6, can be found here. The adopted resolution required one small modification in changing references from Senate Majority Leader McConnell to Senator Chuck Schumer.

Founded in June of 2020 by former Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs, MGI is a coalition of 34 mayors committed to advancing a federal guaranteed income – direct, recurring cash payments to the poor and middle class. 

MGI member cities are eligible for up to $500,000 in pilot funding, thanks to a recent $15M donation by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. A pilot in Ithaca is planned to launch in 2021, with details currently being finalized. In addition to pilots, MGI also advocates for cash-based policies at the federal level. There are currently at least 10 Congressional bills to provide pandemic-related payments to struggling Americans, and support for $2,000 checks helped drive the Democratic Senate wins in Georgia.

MGI, together with the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice, has also established the Center for Guaranteed Income Research to consolidate the key learnings from the pilots taking place in MGI member cities to address knowledge gaps and allow the organization to layer data with anecdotal evidence.


CONTACT: Saadia McConville

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MGI Applauds Gov. Newsom’s Golden State Stimulus Proposal

Michael D. Tubbs, former Stockton Mayor and founder and chair of Mayors for a Guaranteed Income, released this statement following Governor Newsom’s call for a “Golden State Stimulus” which would provide $600 to EITC-eligible Californians:

“In a pandemic and economic crisis, people need cash to survive. Even if people have the ability to stay home, the bills keep coming. The Golden State Stimulus will provide a badly needed boost to the federal $600 check and enables the most economically vulnerable California families to decide how to best spend their money - providing a lifeline and a sense of dignity to recipients. As we saw in the Stockton guaranteed income demonstration, people use cash for basic needs - food, utilities and childcare. Mayors for a Guaranteed Income applauds this step by Governor Newsom to put money in the pockets of struggling families. Our state continues to lead the way on cash-based policies, with guaranteed income pilots underway or in the works in Compton, Long Beach, Los Angeles and Oakland.

While these city and state steps are important, we need to go further, which is why we are calling on federal leaders to adopt guaranteed income: recurring, no-strings attached cash payments. As we see in guaranteed income pilots led by mayors throughout the country, direct cash builds economic resilience and ensures everyone has a floor so that if a pandemic or other emergency occurs occurs, we are able to feed our families, go to the doctor, pay our bills and keep our economy going. As we transition to the Biden-Harris Administration and the opportunity to pass meaningful relief with Democratic control of both chambers of Congress, we urge federal lawmakers to pass recurring cash payments immediately.”


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Hudson, NY Adopts Guaranteed Income Resolution

January, 7 2020, Hudson, NY - The city of Hudson, NY has passed a resolution in support of ongoing federal payments through the duration of the pandemic, as well as the establishment of a national guaranteed income. The resolution, which was passed unanimously by the city council, further solidifies the city’s commitment to advancing cash-based policies under the leadership of Mayor Kamal Johnson, a member of Mayors for a Guaranteed Income (MGI). Through a partnership with Humanity Forward, Hudson began its guaranteed income pilot in late 2020, providing 25 residents $500 monthly for five years. 

“The pandemic has taken a massive toll on the already-stretched finances of our residents, particularly those of color,” said Mayor Johnson. “Providing a guaranteed income at the local level can help some, but we need action by our federal leaders to extend economic security to all.”

The full text of the resolution passed in December can be found here (pages 36-39). It will also be sent to Hudson’s Congressional leadership – Representative Antonio Delgado and Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Chuck Schumer.

Founded in June of 2020 by former Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs, MGI is a coalition of 30 mayors committed to advancing a guaranteed income – direct, recurring cash payments to those the poor and middle class. 

In addition to pilots, MGI also advocates for cash-based policies at the federal level. There are currently at least 10 Congressional bills to provide pandemic-related payments to struggling Americans, and more than 125 economists recently demanded national leaders pass another round of $1,200 stimulus checks.

MGI, together with the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice, has also established the Center for Guaranteed Income Research to consolidate the key learnings from the pilots taking place in MGI member cities to address knowledge gaps and allow the organization to layer data with anecdotal evidence.


CONTACT: Saadia McConville

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Statement on Stimulus Bill

December 21, 2020, Stockton, CA - The stimulus bill Congress is working to finalize provides long-awaited relief to struggling families, but does not go nearly far enough in mitigating the devastating economic effects of the pandemic. A payment of $600 per person is simply inadequate to stave off the incoming wave of evictions, widespread hunger and overdue bills millions of Americans face in the nine months since the CARES Act passed.

“While this bill is better than nothing, that is an extremely low bar,” said MGI Chair Michael Tubbs. “Lack of action on the part of our federal government – primarily due to Mitch McConnell’s obstruction of meaningful relief – forced millions into poverty in just the past few months, with millions more on the brink. Anything short of substantial, ongoing payments throughout the pandemic fails the American people.”

MGI supports a federal guaranteed income, as well as cash relief to offset the dire economic toll of the pandemic. There are currently at least 10 Congressional bills to provide pandemic-related payments to struggling Americans, and more than 125 economists recently demanded national leaders pass another round of $1,200 stimulus checks. 

MGI is a coalition of 29 mayors committed to advancing a guaranteed income – direct, recurring cash payments to the poor and middle class. Member cities are eligible for up to $500,000 in pilot funding, thanks to a recent $15M donation by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. 

MGI, together with the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice, has also established the Center for Guaranteed Income Research to consolidate the key learnings from the pilots taking place in MGI member cities to address knowledge gaps and allow the organization to layer data with anecdotal evidence.


CONTACT: Saadia McConville

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Cambridge, MA Adopts Guaranteed Income Resolution

December 18, 2020, Cambridge, MA - In a unanimous decision, the Cambridge City Council has voted in support of a resolution to establish a guaranteed income. The resolution further solidifies the city’s commitment to advancing cash-based policies under the leadership of Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui, a member of Mayors for a Guaranteed Income (MGI).

“We must provide economic relief to our residents in the wake of the pandemic’s economic havoc and the inaction of Congress to provide aid to meet the massive scale of this crisis,” said Mayor Siddiqui. “A guaranteed income is a financial lifeline providing simple, effective and direct support to keep our economy and community afloat.”

The full text of the resolution can be found in the December 14 meeting record here.

Cambridge is on track to begin a guaranteed income pilot in early 2021, partially funded by $500,000 from MGI. Founded in June of 2020 by Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs, MGI is a coalition of 29 mayors committed to advancing a guaranteed income – direct, recurring cash payments to the poor and middle class. 

MGI member cities are eligible for up to $500,000 in pilot funding, thanks to a recent $15M donation by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. In addition to pilots, MGI also advocates for cash-based policies at the federal level. There are currently at least 10 Congressional bills to provide pandemic-related payments to struggling Americans, and more than 125 economists recently demanded national leaders pass another round of $1,200 stimulus checks.

MGI, together with the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice, has also established the Center for Guaranteed Income Research to consolidate the key learnings from the pilots taking place in MGI member cities to address knowledge gaps and allow the organization to layer data with anecdotal evidence.


CONTACT: Saadia McConville

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Mayors For A Guaranteed Income Receives $15 Million Grant from Jack Dorsey

New funding helps launch guaranteed income programs helmed by member mayors in 25+ U.S. cities

STOCKTON, Calif — December 8, 2020; 9AM PT -- Mayors For A Guaranteed Income (MGI) today held a press call announcing a second grant of $15M from Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey through his #startsmall initiative. This builds on Dorsey’s initial donation of $3 million in July 2020. These new funds are already being allocated to launch or expand guaranteed income pilots in U.S. cities including Columbia, SC; Los Angeles, CA; Madison, WI; Pittsburgh, PA; Providence, RI; Richmond, VA; Tacoma, WA; Saint Paul, MN; and New Orleans, LA, with more cities to be announced later. The full recording of the press call can be found here

Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs, who founded MGI following the demonstrable impact of Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration (SEED), the first mayor-led guaranteed income pilot, said: “We are a nation in crisis and the last one of this scale yielded dramatic social reform; this is our New Deal moment. We need a social safety net that goes beyond conditional benefits tied to employment, works for everyone and begins to address the call for racial and economic justice through a guaranteed income. These pilots and the resulting evidence will be instrumental in shaping what the 2021 social contract looks like in America.”  

Laura Kidd-Plummer, a recipient of guaranteed income in Stockton joined a press call hosted by MGI and said, “I’m breathing a sigh of relief at this point because without being with SEED, or being a participant, I don’t think I’d be sitting in this chair right now.” 

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti sits on the Mayors For A Guaranteed Income executive committee and said, “The grant is a testament to the momentum of this organization and cause -- and a tribute to a simple, yet innovative idea: that offering direct aid to struggling families translates into greater security for our economy, stability for our communities, and peace of mind for households across our cities. With this investment, we can act on that mission and activate a new way of lifting up folks hard-hit by the short-term pain of the pandemic or the long-term consequences from structural and institutional inequalities.”

Mayor of Saint Paul, MN Melvin Carter sits on the Mayors For A Guaranteed Income executive committee and said, “Guaranteed income is a clear path toward economic and racial justice for Americans. This incredible support will broaden the reach of this movement as we further develop evidence for these programs.”

This grant accelerates the momentum MGI has built across the country; several mayors have either committed to launch or already launched guaranteed income pilots: 

  • In Saint Paul, MN, Mayor Melvin Carter has launched and begun disbursements for People’s Prosperity Pilot, which will provide up to 150 Saint Paul families with $500 per month in guaranteed income for up to 18 months.

  • Richmond, VA Mayor Levar Stoney has launched the Richmond Resilience Initiative, which will empower 18 working families to meet immediate needs and build wealth to break the cycle of poverty.

  • Mayor Aja Brown has launched the Compton Pledge giving 800 Compton residents a guaranteed income of varying amounts for a two-year period. 

  • Pittsburgh, PA, Mayor Peduto has announced the Assured Cash Experiment of Pittsburgh (AcePGH) will provide 200 residents with $500/month, for 24 months. Building on work by Pittsburgh Gender Equity Commission, AcePGH will serve 100 randomly selected Black women who are at or below 50% AMI.

  • Columbia, SC Mayor Stephen Benjamin will provide 100 residents with $500/month, for 24 months through the CLIMB program. CLIMB will be targeted for black fathers, and recipients will be selected in partnership with the Midlands Fatherhood Coalition.

  • Oakland, CA Mayor Libby Schaaf announced a partnership with the Family Independence Initiative to work to secure funding to serve 300 families with children.

Mayor of Tacoma, WA Victoria Woodards said: “We’re grateful for this generous grant that will allow us to accelerate our pilot building, and we are excited that we will soon be able to offer support to the Tacoma community members who need it the most.”

Mayor of Columbia, SC Stephen Benjamin said: “We have been eager to launch a pilot since joining Mayors for a Guaranteed Income, and these funds will allow us to more quickly disburse badly needed financial assistance to fathers in our CLIMB program.”

Mayor of Madison, WI Satya Rhodes-Conway said: “I am deeply appreciative of this seed funding which will allow a group of Madison families to chart their own path toward financial stability. Because affordable housing is such a critical issue in the City of Madison, my staff is exploring how we can design and implement a pilot that places housing affordability and security at the center of this conversation.”

In addition to pilots, MGI also advocates for cash-based policies at the federal level. There are currently at least 10 Congressional bills to provide pandemic-related payments to struggling Americans, and more than 125 economists recently demanded national leaders pass another round of stimulus checks.

MGI, together with the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice, has also established the Center for Guaranteed Income Research to consolidate the key learnings from the pilots taking place in MGI member cities to address knowledge gaps and allow the organization to layer data with anecdotal evidence.

If you would like additional information or to schedule a follow up conversation with leaders and experts with Mayors For A Guaranteed Income, please reach out to Saadia McConville,


About Mayors for a Guaranteed Income

Building off his first-of-its-kind guaranteed income pilot (SEED) and rooted in Dr. King’s legacy, Mayor Michael D. Tubbs (Stockton, CA) founded Mayors for a Guaranteed Income (MGI), in partnership with the Economic Security Project,  in June 2020. Mayors will come together in this network to advocate for a guaranteed income—direct, recurring cash payments—that lifts all of our communities, building a resilient, just America.  Since its establishment in June 2020, the coalition has created a significant increase in support for guaranteed income policy across the country, passing a resolution in support of guaranteed income at the United States Conference of Mayors and submitting a sign on letter to House and Senate leadership in support of the Monthly Economic Crisis Support Act. Follow MGI on Twitter and Facebook

CONTACT: Saadia McConville

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MGI Establishes Center for Guaranteed Income Research with the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice

Centralized, independent research infrastructure builds evidentiary portfolio for federal guaranteed income policy

October 21, 2020 – STOCKTON, Calif. - Mayors for a Guaranteed Income (MGI), together with the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice (SP2) has established the Center for Guaranteed Income Research (the Center). The goal of the Center is to consolidate the key learnings from the pilots taking place in MGI member cities, to address knowledge gaps in the contemporary understanding of guaranteed income’s impact for Americans, and to allow the organization to layer data with anecdotal evidence in federal advocacy. 

“The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed what we as Mayors have seen for a long time in our cities across the country - that people are working, but the economy isn’t,” said Mayor Michael Tubbs, founder of Mayors for a Guaranteed Income. “Our membership growth alone shows there’s a growing consensus that unconditional cash is the simplest, most effective solution to abolish poverty and begin to address the deeply linked issues of racial and economic injustice in America.”

The Center is co-led by Dr. Amy Castro Baker, assistant professor at SP2, and Dr. Stacia Martin-West, assistant professor University of Tennessee, College of Social Work. The co-Principal Investigators of the first mayor-led guaranteed income pilot in Stockton, Calif. and leading academics in the space will guide pilot cities through a learning agenda and oversee the research design & implementation. After the conclusion of each demonstration, MGI partner cities will release preliminary outcome evaluations prepared in partnership with the Center. After the conclusion of all MGI demonstrations, the Center will release a final report of national findings of all sites and all key research questions.

MGI member mayors are signing on to the learning agenda with an eye towards moving the needle on poverty and matching the urgency of our current economic moment with evidence-based policy proposals. This agenda builds on the existing body of cash-transfer literature, as well as the implementation and research lessons learned in Stockton to build an evidence rich pilot-to-policy pipeline. 

Following in line with SEED, the first mayor-led guaranteed income demonstration in Stockton, Calif., the Center will release early snapshot data including demographics, spending behaviors, photographs, and videos on a public facing data visualization website. The dashboard will feature city-level filters, such that residents, city leaders, and policy-makers will view snapshot data from all participants, and then select their own city data to compare nationally and to others. Similar to what was built for SEED, the public-facing dashboard will be a critical tool to engage the public, ensure transparency and accountability in the research process, and elevate the topic of guaranteed income. 

“A growing body of evidence indicates the power of providing an income floor to stabilize households struggling with economic insecurity, but public conversation and the pressure created by the pandemic is moving faster than the evidence,” said Dr. Amy Castro Baker. “The Center for Guaranteed Income Research will be a real-time and nimble research partner to Mayors working in the same fashion across the country to meet the economic needs of their constituents.”

MGI has been awarded a $250,000 grant from Arrow Impact, a newly established private foundation focused on improving economic opportunity for low-income families and on improving the efficiency of the philanthropic ecosystem. The funds and leadership will support MGI as it builds capacity. 


Building off his first-of-its-kind guaranteed income pilot (SEED) and rooted in Dr. King’s legacy, Mayor Michael D. Tubbs (Stockton, CA) founded Mayors for a Guaranteed Income (MGI), in partnership with the Economic Security Project,  in June 2020. Mayors will come together in this network to advocate for a guaranteed income—direct, recurring cash payments—that lifts all of our communities, building a resilient, just America.  Since its establishment in June 2020, the coalition has created a significant increase in support for guaranteed income policy across the country, passing a resolution in support of guaranteed income at the United States Conference of Mayors and submitting a sign on letter to House and Senate leadership in support of the Monthly Economic Crisis Support Act. In support of this growth and a groundswell of interest in guaranteed income, MGI has partnered with What Works Cities on a six-session online learning opportunity to elevate lessons learned and share best practices with the coalition and additional cities across the country. Interested parties can learn more or register here.Follow MGI on Twitter and Facebook


Penn’s School of Social Policy & Practice is noted for its commitment to social justice and to educating students that will take an active role in the struggle against oppression. SP2 contributes to the advancement of more effective, efficient and humane human services through education, research and civic engagement. In pursuit of this mission, its theory-based masters and doctoral programs in social work, social welfare, non-profit leadership and social policy encourage students to think and work across disciplinary lines and cultures, locally, nationally, and globally. Visit and follow @PennSP2 for more.


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Mayors for a Guaranteed Income Expands Advocacy after More Than Doubling Membership in Two Months

Saint Paul, MN, Long Beach, CA, Hudson, NY, Oakland, CA, and Pittsburgh, PA will roll out full-scale pilot programs 

Sept. 16, 2020 – Stockton, Calif. - Mayors for a Guaranteed Income has announced that its membership has grown from 11 founding members to 25 mayors from across the country. 

The fourteen new Mayors for a Guaranteed Income members are Mayors LaToya Cantrell (New Orleans, LA); Jenny Durkan (Seattle, WA); Jorge Elorza (Providence, RI); Robert Garcia (Long Beach, CA); Kamal Johnson (Hudson, NY); Jim Kenney (Philadelphia, PA); Alex Morse (Holyoke, MA); Svante Myrick (Ithaca, NY); Shawyn Patterson-Howard (Mt. Vernon, NY); William Peduto (Pittsburgh, PA); Lauren Poe (Gainesville, FL); Satya Rhodes-Conway (Madison, WI); Andre Sayegh (Paterson, NJ); and Levar Stoney (Richmond, VA). 

The founding members of the coalition are Mayors Michael D. Tubbs (Stockton, CA); Ras J. Baraka (Newark, NJ); Stephen Benjamin (Columbia, SC); Aja Brown (Compton, CA); Melvin Carter (Saint Paul, MN); Eric Garcetti (Los Angeles, CA); Keisha Lance Bottoms (Atlanta, GA); Chokwe Antar Lumumba (Jackson, MS); Adrian Perkins (Shreveport, LA); Libby Schaaf (Oakland, CA); and Victoria Woodards (Tacoma, WA). 

“In Stockton, we found that giving folks agency and dignity to manage their needs with cash is the most straightforward way to address poverty, inequity and emergency of the personal and pandemic proportion,” said Stockton Mayor Michael D. Tubbs, founder of Mayors for a Guaranteed Income. “City-level pragmatism has now taken center stage through the demonstrable success of our pilot and we welcome these new cities into the fold. We are excited for the continued growth of guaranteed income in America through civil servants like myself who want to be more and do more.”

In addition to advocating for a federal guaranteed income and supporting narrative change efforts to highlight the lived experiences of economic insecurity, five mayors have already forged ahead with plans to implement guaranteed income pilots: Mayor Robert Garcia (Long Beach, CA) introduced a plan to pilot a guaranteed income that was unanimously approved by the city council in early September 2020. In Hudson, NY, Mayor Kamal Johnson has announced HudsonUP, whereby 20 low-income residents will receive a guaranteed income of $500 per month for the next five years. In Saint Paul, MN, Mayor Melvin Carter has issued an executive order authorizing the creation of the People’s Prosperity Pilot, which will provide up to 150 Saint Paul families with $500 per month in guaranteed income for up to 18 months, beginning Fall 2020. His will be the first to leverage public funding to provide a guaranteed income to residents. In Pittsburgh, PA, Mayor Peduto has announced the Assured Cash Experiment of Pittsburgh (AcePGH), which in Q4 of 2020 will begin providing $500 to 200 Pittsburgh residents over 24 months. Designed in response to a 2019 Gender Equity Commission Report, the pilot will serve 100 black women and 100 randomly selected Pittsburgh residents. In Oakland, CA, Mayor Libby Schaaf announced a partnership with the Family Independence Initiative to work to secure funding to serve 300 families with children.

Since its establishment in June 2020, the coalition has created a significant increase in support for guaranteed income policy across the country, passing a resolution in support of guaranteed income at the United States Conference of Mayors and submitting a sign on letter to House and Senate leadership in support of the Monthly Economic Crisis Support Act. 

In support of this growth and a groundswell of interest in guaranteed income, MGI has partnered with What Works Cities on a six-session online learning opportunity to elevate lessons learned and share best practices with the coalition and additional cities across the country. Interested parties can learn more or register here.



Building off his first-of-its-kind guaranteed income pilot (SEED) and rooted in Dr. King’s legacy, Mayor Michael D. Tubbs (Stockton, CA) and the Economic Security Project founded Mayors for a Guaranteed Income (MGI) in June 2020. Mayors will come together in this network to advocate for a guaranteed income—direct, recurring cash payments—that lifts all of our communities, building a resilient, just America.  Follow MGI on Twitter and Facebook

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