Gainesville, FL Adopts Guaranteed Income Resolution

February  24, 2021, Gainesville, FL - In a unanimous decision, the Gainesville City Commission has voted in support of a resolution to establish a guaranteed income program. This resolution shows support for people with a criminal record to receive a recurring monthly income for up to two years to help them get back on their feet, and solidifies Gainesville’s commitment to creating an income floor under the leadership of Mayor Lauren Poe, a member of Mayors for a Guaranteed Income (MGI).

“In the wake of the pandemic and its massive economic toll, guaranteed income stands out as a necessary tool to address the inequality pervading our communities'' said Mayor Poe. “This first of its kind program provides a cushion to those who can least afford to bear the burden of income instability.”

The full text of the resolution, passed on February 18th, can be found here

Founded in June of 2020 by former Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs, MGI is a coalition of 36 mayors committed to advancing a federal guaranteed income – direct, recurring cash payments to the poor and middle class. 

A pilot in Gainesville is planned to launch in 2021, with details currently being finalized. MGI member cities are eligible for up to $500,000 in pilot funding, thanks to a recent $15M donation by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. In addition to pilots, MGI also advocates for cash-based policies at the federal level. There are currently at least 10 Congressional bills to provide pandemic-related payments to struggling Americans, and support for $2,000 checks helped drive the Democratic Senate wins in Georgia.

MGI, together with the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice, has also established the Center for Guaranteed Income Research to consolidate the key learnings from the pilots taking place in MGI member cities to address knowledge gaps and allow the organization to layer data with anecdotal evidence.


CONTACT: Saadia McConville

Firas Nasr

Hello My name is Firas and I am awesome


Newark, NJ Adopts Guaranteed Income Resolution


Guaranteed income is having a moment. The last time it did, it was because of Martin Luther King Jr.