Statement on the American Rescue Plan

March 10, 2021, Stockton, CA - As a coalition of more than 40 mayors from across the country, every day we see people who are working hard to make ends meet, but our economy doesn’t even meet them halfway. Our communities continue to need relief while we recover from the ongoing, devastating pandemic and as we rebuild toward a more equitable, financially-secure society. 

We commend our Congressional leaders, President Biden and Vice President Harris for putting forth the American Rescue Plan -- one of the largest expansions of direct cash policies in our country’s history -- to put our economy back on track. The legislation to expand the Child Tax Credit in this bill marks a major shift in benefits policy from a punitive stance embraced by Reagan and Clinton to one that actually aims to solve the root problems of poverty by providing families with children an unrestricted, monthly cash stipend. 

And, the one-time direct payments to individuals will also quickly send desperately-needed stimulus money to most Americans. One check, however, is not enough -- more than 40% of people who expect to receive a payment in the next round of relief say a $1,400 check would last them a month or less, and 70% say it will last less than three months. Our constituents, and all struggling Americans, need monthly cash infusions for real relief. We’ve seen repeatedly, most recently in the outcomes of the Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration (SEED), that the quickest and most direct way to help people and the economy is by putting money directly into people’s pockets. Congress has taken a huge step forward. Our next step must be committing to recurring checks for all those who need it most, which is why we’re encouraging Senators to sign on to a letter to the Administration urging the President to include recurring direct payments and automatic unemployment insurance extensions tied to economic conditions in his long-term economic plan.


CONTACT: Saadia McConville

Firas Nasr

Hello My name is Firas and I am awesome


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